Vladimir returned for the funeral on July 22, but interrupted the funeral to take the body away for a Muslim burial.
Aileen's desire to secure a proper Muslim burial for Raqim compels her to cooperate.
He said he would not allow those who committed suicide a Muslim burial.
Three others died from their wounds after arrival, and had been given a Muslim burial at the town of Dasht-i-Laili, he said.
Grave goods are discouraged to the point that their absence is frequently one recognition criterion of Muslim burials.
I'm not sure but I think he was given a Muslim burial.
Its use for Muslim burials was approved for a period of 20 years; it was expanded by a further 157 m2 in 1900.
According to his wish, he was cremated instead of having a traditional Muslim burial.
Typically, Muslim burials are to occur within 24 hours of death.
The rituals of a Muslim burial are simple, easily satisfied even by the destitute - the body must be washed, then wrapped in unbleached cloth.