The 12th to 14th centuries marked the peak of innovation in Muslim civilization, and this continued through to the 16th century.
Half a century ago, Elvis was considered a wiggly threat to Muslim civilization.
The great Muslim civilization might be destroyed, and with it who knows what treasures of knowledge.
These latter revive traditions of haram and hima that were prevalent in early Muslim civilization.
In Nadine Gordimer's new novel, the first we see of Muslim civilization is under a car.
This was no ordinary era in the life of Muslim civilization.
He praises the mediaeval Muslim civilizations for their advances in many fields.
History is a titanic spiritual battle between Russian, Western, and Muslim civilizations.
F. Rosenthal, Knowledge Triumphant, explored the central importance of knowledge in Muslim civilization and explains how it generated "science".
In Muslim civilisation, the chair was designated by the caliph himself.