Another American, with very different views of Muslim life, was here, and although now long gone his presence is still felt.
It publishes books with recommendations on how to live a better Muslim life.
This has saved thousands of Muslim lives that many predicted would be lost in the long Balkan winter.
They make up Muslim life, prayer, concern for the needy, self purification and the pilgrimage.
Aiming to lead a peaceful and independent Muslim life, they built a community of some 40 family houses, their own grocery store and a bookstore.
The solution was a return to the simplicity, hard work, and self-reliance of earlier Muslim life.
Do Muslim lives count only when snuffed out by non-Muslims?
Together, they form a more truthful, if complex, portrait of Muslim life than is typically appreciated by the world outside.
But Sept. 11 altered the course of Muslim life in America.
It refers to anything which serves no purpose or goal in a proper Muslim life.