But widespread Muslim protests afterward led to clashes with the police and security forces in which more than 2,000 people were listed as killed throughout India.
The excavations near a religious site holy to both Muslims and Jews set off widespread Muslim protests last month.
The Muslim protests were put down by police and army troops, but anger smoldered in Bombay and elsewhere.
The Christians not unnaturally responded to Muslim protests with alarm.
Ngeh had allegedly tweeted: "Khairy wants Muslim protest against Sam Bacile.
The gesture was intended to counter Muslim protests in Nairobi in which the United States was denounced as evil.
The court, perhaps anticipating a Muslim protest, then argued that even in the Quran a woman is entitled to maintenance due to Sura 2:241-242.
In 2006, at least one person died in Nigeria by necklacing in the deadly Muslim protests over satirical cartoon drawings of Muhammad.
That Muslim protests began well before he issued his death threat suggests that he inflamed, rather than created, Islamic sentiment.
Walter and Barbara Smoker were attacked while counter-demonstrating during a Muslim protest against the book in May 1989.