The town's urban and human shape would only change after the Vikings' and Muslim raids came to an end.
However, Muslim raids led by Ahmed's wife and nephew continued in the years following.
This book had suffered damage during Muslim raids, but was substantially intact, and copies were taken secretly.
Today, the old Spanish-built fort constructed as a lookout point for frequent Muslim raids is one of the historical attractions found in the city.
Early Christian life on Patmos, however, barely survived Muslim raids from the 7th to the 9th century.
Probably they were rivals who never actually came into open conflict, due to the shortness of Roderic's reign and his preoccupation with Muslim raids.
In the early 13th century, the Abbey's church was destroyed during a Muslim raid, and the monks moved to Sicily.
The attackers were seeking vengeance for the deaths of 59 Hindus the previous day in a Muslim raid on a train.
The first Muslim raid on Corsica took place in 713.
Consequently, the city was frequently targeted by Muslim raids.