The only other attack on an explicitly Muslim site was a January explosion inside a mosque in Delhi.
Dhamoni is a Muslim religious site in the Sagar district of central India.
It is a sacred Muslim site, and an annual mass pilgrimage occurs here.
Some more extreme views include suggestions to blow up Muslim holy sites and eliminate Malays.
Across the road, in the Holon industrial park, is located yet another Muslim holy site, this one deserted and falling into pieces.
He said he wanted to be in charge of the Muslim holy sites.
It said the authorities had reported that Muslim sites had been the target of a half-dozen attacks in the past week.
The government tried to make an example of them, hoping to send the message that any attacks on Muslim holy sites would be dealt with severely.
Many other Jewish, Christian and Muslim holy sites are also in the vicinity.
"This is rare for Muslim sites," he said, "because each leader usually liked to add his own elements."