As the Sunnah became published and accepted, philosophy separate from Muslim theology was discouraged due to a lack of participants.
Many scholars have made the distinction between revelation and inspiration, which according to Muslim theology, all righteous people can receive.
Islam did spread by the sword originally, but I don't think there is anything inherently violent in Muslim theology.
This incident has only further heightened the "compassionate" character of Abraham in Muslim theology.
In Muslim theology, apostasy is equal to treason.
Muslim theology: the attempt to interpret the Koran in a rational way.
Pacifism in Islam is the tradition of nonviolence within Muslim theology.
Therefore, two main views on Ezekiel are popular in Muslim theology:
In his reign, mathematics, astronomy, and Muslim theology reached their highest level among the Ottomans.
It was much less my notion of a code-book than of a work of demanding Muslim theology.