The native population had to feed every Muslim traveller for three days and nights and had to submit too many other humiliations which are mentioned by Muslim historians.
According to tradition, even Muslim travellers are exempt from fasting - it's hard to do at home under controlled conditions, let alone in unfamiliar places.
It was during Gajah Mada's reign as mahapatih, around the year 1345, that the famous Muslim traveller, Ibn Battuta visited Sumatera.
The city of Khiva was first recorded by Muslim travellers in the 10th century, although archaeologists assert that the city has existed since the 6th century.
Surviving contemporary records of climate in the Sahel begin with early Muslim travellers in the early Medieval Warm Period.
Rather more is known about Sindh in the 12th century, since it is described by various Muslim travellers and geographers of that period.
After the introduction of Islam to the archipelago in 13th century, the island was also called Andalas by Muslim travellers .
Yusuf observed that there are no real guidelines about instruments and no references about the business of music in the Qur'an, and that Muslim travellers first brought the guitar to Moorish Spain.
Travels of Ibn Battuta, a Muslim traveller from Morocco, across much of the Old World.
The Marquis uses the pilgrimage to Mecca to capture and enslave African Muslim travellers.