Rodgers's bushy-browed aristocratic look, along with his stature as a composer, helped to foster a public image of him as a forbidding Olympian figure for whom composing music and doing business were synonymous.
In 1989, in preparation for the 1992 Winter Olympics, Jean-Marie Pierret painted a fresco of the Olympian figure Hercules on the dam's face.
In public, and especially in confirmation hearings, the Justices try to portray themselves as Olympian figures, removed from the hurly burly of politics.
Forensic investigators measuring the bones buried in the great man's grave would be hard put to match them up with Klinger's Olympian figure, bent forward with fists clenched.
Olivier is the Olympian figure of British acting this century, but Americans always change covers.
Nevertheless, it took a bit of fortitude on Susan's part to get up the nerve to approach this Olympian figure.
Whereas Sports Illustrated tends to bristle with a kind of pomposity - the sportswriter as an Olympian figure - is disarmingly, and most often delightfully, casual.
They spoke of her father, and for the first time Ryeland was able to think of that semi-legendary Olympian figure as a human being.
I don't believe in the idea of the historian as a disembodied, Olympian figure above time, above place, dispassionate.
The pictures bring guilty pleasure as they cast Olympian figures in the most stark and human light.