The Post poll is less dramatic, finding that 60% of respondents support censure but 33% support conviction and removal.
In the Post poll, two-thirds said most members of Congress would cast their impeachment votes based on "partisan politics" rather than "the facts of the case."
In the Post poll of likely voters, 51 percent backed Mr. Bush, 46 percent Mr. Kerry and 1 percent Mr. Nader.
But a week before the Post poll, another Mason-Dixon Poll found Mr. Glendening ahead by only two points.
Post polls conducted by Headlines Today-ORG Poll, found this election to be a toss-up, with DMK gaining a lot of ground in the last few weeks before the election.
The undecided vote in the Post poll stood at 21 percent.
Four-fifths of respondents in the Post poll disapproved of the current scrutiny of politicians' adultery.
The Post poll predicting a Barry primary win allows him to quit with a bang, not a whimper: "He can go out saying, 'See, they still love me.
His victory despite his illness, a broken bit and Mandarin breaking down in the last half-mile was voted the greatest ride ever in a 2006 Racing Post poll.
In the Post poll, 42 percent of the registered voters said they would vote for Mr. Jackson if he ran, far more than for any other potential candidate.