When he died, aged 96, this newspaper's obituary described him as "one of the few genuine Renaissance figures produced by Britain in the 20th century".
Did I say that Baloyne was a Renaissance figure?
In a recent interview, he explained his philosophy, citing Renaissance figures like Palladio.
Renaissance figures helped the rise of arts by using religion (such as the Reformation).
But, oddly, the great Renaissance figure also advised to discover the creative possibilities of a floor stain.
There was not much consensus among English Musical Renaissance figures.
Mr. Whitfield, trying always to understand the spirit that motivated his explorers, is unsentimental about these Renaissance figures.
Filarete is one of many Renaissance figures regarded as a possible author of the Voynich manuscript.
These comédie-ballets were considered the most important advance in baroque dance since the development of Renaissance geometric figures.
James IV was Scotland's first Renaissance figure, who also had a fascination with cannon, both at land and at sea.