Scott L. Gunderson (born October 24, 1956) is a Wisconsin farmer, state legislator, and former small business owner.
In 1986, Wisconsin farmers protested the hormone's development because they feared it would lead to surpluses and declining farm incomes.
He says he wants Wisconsin farmers to get a better deal.
In 1988, Wisconsin farmers produced 25 billion pounds of milk, but in 2001, it was down to 22.2 billion pounds.
His father's father was a Wisconsin farmer, a devoutly religious man who saw three of his eight children enter the Lutheran ministry.
I believe AgJOBS will make it easier for Wisconsin farmers to get the help they need, while protecting immigrant farm workers.
Eugene Oberle - Wisconsin farmer and politician.
President, owner and founder Russ Klisch started a partnership with Wisconsin farmers to grow organic hops in his home state.
Our nation's agriculture policies must value Wisconsin farmers.
Some Wisconsin farmers responded by experimenting with crop rotation and other methods to restore the soil's fertility, but a larger number turned to alternatives to wheat.