Toward this end, the entire population has been mobilized, with virtually every able-bodied citizen expected to cut cane or fill in at work for those who do.
If so, what is needed is a law that encompasses all able-bodied citizens.
Until now, the army had been a well-trained, well-regulated militia drawn from all able-bodied, land-owning male citizens.
The Israeli Army, among the most effective fighting forces in the world, requires military service of all able-bodied citizens, including homosexuals.
The family remained in the service of the Prince Bishops and quickly rose through the ranks to able-bodied citizens of the city council.
At Christmas 1942, their love affair was interrupted as every able-bodied British citizen was recalled to help with the defense of England.
In order to build a country that will have confident and able-bodied citizens, it is of paramount importance that we recognize the achievements of its youth.
The Army prevented many able-bodied citizens from fleeing, pressing them into relief and reconstruction work.
Most of the American public is unaware of the extent to which canines can help our citizens, both disabled and able-bodied, in their daily lives.
Social reform placed women, children, the elderly and the disabled as dependents of a male wage-earner which cast further distinctions between impaired and able-bodied citizens.