Some wheelchair taxicabs are capable of transporting only one wheelchair-using passenger at a time, and can usually accommodate 4 to 6 additional able-bodied passengers.
We were handed paddles, and I was put up front with Ryan; amazingly enough, we were the two most able-bodied passengers in the raft.
They stayed caught on the bar throughout the night, and in the morning all able-bodied passengers were rowed ashore and given heavy ropes to pull.
It is usually quicker for able-bodied passengers to take the spiral stairs than the lift.
Generally, even able-bodied passengers dislike climbing steps to pass between platforms, and in some areas subways (i.e. pedestrian walkways) under the railway line may also pose vandalism and security problems.
Even fully able-bodied passengers can board a railcar more rapidly if they do not have to climb stairs to enter, reducing dwell time at a stop, and reducing overall travel time.
One example, another expert said, is that only able-bodied, alert passengers are seated by emergency exits and they must read a set of special instructions and be prepared to act in an emergency.
However, not all buses can accept both disabled and able-bodied passengers at the same time, and not all buses can be converted to enable them to carry disabled people.
With several other able-bodied passengers he helped the boatmaster pole the craft across the bay.
While another widely stated benefit of low floor buses is quicker boarding for able-bodied passengers due to the lack of steps, studies have found the opposite effect in the UK.