Last year 5 percent failed and 60 percent achieved proficiency.
For African-Americans, the percentage achieving proficiency on the fourth-grade test dropped, to 62.9 percent from 65.4 percent.
"But in terms of what it says to students when they achieve proficiency, it is a better-grounded message."
Placing a Tricam takes practice to achieve proficiency.
Initially he painted still-lifes and landscapes in a traditional style, at which he achieved reasonable proficiency.
SO2R operation can be a challenge to learn and requires practice to achieve proficiency.
All have been indigenously developed, and represent major breakthroughs in achieving technical proficiency in these technologies.
Proponents further claim that effective bilingual programs strive to achieve proficiency in both English and the students' home language.
The reason being, ostensibly, that they needed to devote time to study that could not be spent achieving proficiency in the art of weaponry.
As they achieve proficiency, they receive a silver or gold star.