Ms. Glick said that just as many Democrats accepted conservative ideas like time limits and work requirements for welfare benefits, Republicans acknowledged liberal complaints about restraints on welfare recipients.
While seeming to acknowledge feminist complaints, he depicts himself as "a victim of his urges","Playboy has kept him mentally separate".
And Tri-State no longer encourages awards to companies with 100 percent employee participation, tacitly acknowledging complaints from some employees about arm-twisting to get them to give.
He acknowledged complaints that the agreement did not provide Republicans with their principal goal, a united Ireland, free of British control, run from the largely Catholic Irish Republic.
Mr. Sykes acknowledged complaints from agency media executives that VH1 was "a faceless channel, basically a brand extension" of MTV.
But acknowledging complaints, chiefly from the European Community, the President added that the timetable was unrealistic.
The commission typically acknowledges complaints only if it imposes discipline or sanctions.
President de Klerk acknowledged such complaints today when he promised to hold the police accountable.
He acknowledged "complaints that it just isn't fair to rate schools and to expect teachers and children to meet goals for performance," but said: "I disagree.
We have made progress towards achieving our internal management targets of acknowledging complaints within one week, deciding on their admissibility within one month and closing inquiries within one year.