Staggering the acquisition dates of the assets means that the risk associated with interest rates is diluted.
The acquisition date of the shares is the date you exercise the rights or options to acquire the shares.
Essentially the spouse receiving the asset keeps the original cost base and acquisition date.
The works are illustrated in color where possible, but the Art Institute provides no details about provenance except its acquisition dates.
Fairfield Manufacturing Co. is also reflected from its acquisition date of March 30, 1987.
The notice may be served on the freeholder at any time, but he is not obliged to act on it before the acquisition date.
He must comply within 28 days of service of the notice, but cannot be compelled to do so before the acquisition date.
Stronach Group owns the following tracks in order of acquisition date:
No capital gains taxes are due on any increase in value from the acquisition date until the owner dies.
As of the acquisition date, the target company reported net identifiable assets of $8B on its own balance sheet.