The season aged not, even as the afternoons and evenings lengthened, barring the forest with rich shadows.
As the afternoon had lengthened toward an early evening, his fear of the trailing man began to taper off.
But the afternoon was lengthening and her precipitous pace had begun to sap her strength.
The afternoon lengthened, though, and there was no sign of Ulf returning.
He checked and baited the traplines con-scientiously while the afternoons lengthened toward spring.
Stresa had been right, it was growing dark now, the afternoon lengthening to- ward evening, the light beginning to fail.
The afternoon lengthened, and his exhaustion increased.
Then, as the afternoon lengthened and the shadow of the peaks stretched farther down to where the six climbed, a new sound reached their ears.
As the afternoon lengthened, the room grew darker.
The afternoon was lengthening, the paling sky striated with lingering bands of smoke from the fighting.