The agency also administers child support collection and client welfare fraud investigation programs for the state of Michigan.
Is there a license for bill-posting and what city agency, if any, administers it?
They gave the Board of Education full responsibility, regardless of which agency was administering the program.
The agency posted the names of about 8,600 people who have not applied for benefits due to them from plans the agency now administers.
Today, more than 33 agencies administer more than 100 such programs at a cost of almost $2 billion.
The agency administers day-care and education programs for 55,000 children.
The figure to the right lists the services and programs included in the social insurance model in 2000 and shows which agency administered the program.
He said the agency might administer tests when it begins issuing digital licenses.
The agency administers a portfolio of 7,000 units in 67 buildings owned by private partnerships.
Several agencies administer programs related solely to the construction industry.