That is a dangerous dependency that distorts how the agency allocates money and staff and how fast it reviews drugs.
The agency has allocated $54 million this year for such programs in New York City.
The agency, the semipublic arm of the Department of Community Affairs, allocates the state's share of the tax credits.
The rule uses a cap-and-trade system in which the environmental agency allocates emission credits state by state that the states then allocate to utilities.
In total, the agency allocated $10.6 million, mostly in the form of individual assistance that provided money for purchasing lost supplies.
The agency eventually allocated several hundred thousand dollars for fresh research into EMI.
Both agencies allocate partial funding to its operation.
His agency typically allocates 85 percent, or, in next year's budget, $111 million, to the prestigious group, which is called Cultural Institutions Group.
In 1985, the agency allocated the slots by individual airlines.
The agency has also allocated $200,000 to publicize reverse mortgages and is seeking an additional $1 million for that purpose.