The government has also been plagued by accusations that important agencies, like the intelligence service, have closely collaborated with the paramilitaries.
Many agencies collaborate.
For the first time, the government, nongovernmental organizations, international agencies and the private sector are collaborating on a comprehensive AIDS plan there.
Several agencies, including the Commerce Department, have collaborated on a paper favoring the adaption of domestic and global laws to support electronic contracts.
The agencies that belong to the Partners Group will maintain their independent ownership but collaborate on assignments and help one another woo new accounts.
An indirect relationship occurs when the agency collaborates with an organization through an intermediary partner with whom the agency executes an agreement.
As well as sharing research equipment, the agency will let York College students and faculty members attend technical seminars and collaborate on research.
Six different agencies - three Federal, three Alaskan - will collaborate in administering the funds.
Three agencies are collaborating on the campaign on behalf of Ragdoll, the British company that owns the rights to the Teletubbies.
The review represents the first time the three agencies have collaborated on a systematic assessment of espionage threats.