The department, however, refused to interpret the figures, saying they were not comparable with earlier statistics the agency had compiled.
The agency also has compiled a list of reclamation projects expected to cost nearly $1 billion over more than a decade.
That agency would then compile a biological record of each rider, including his levels of hemoglobin, naturally occurring steroids and red blood cell count.
At the same time, the Prime Minister told the agency "Odit France" to compile a report analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of tourism in Réunion.
He said they would become part of the investigatory record the agency is compiling in making an official determination of the accident's cause.
The agency compiles and publishes statistics about the Pacific island nation.
Diplomats in Vienna said that the agency compiled a stack of evidence suggesting that Iran already had more sophisticated uranium enrichment designs than it had admitted.
Sometimes, the agency compiles its own list.
This is the first time the agency has compiled site-specific emission figures for all all major sources, including power plants, refineries, chemical plants, and landfills.
The law requires agencies to compile and make available projections of contracting opportunities that small, minority and women-owned businesses may be able to perform.