Dr. Cowan said the agency had contacted company officials and was working with them to determine if there was a problem.
He said his agency would contact the equestrian group to see what else might be done.
A voluntary agency will also work with your local authority to find a suitable match, but may also contact other authorities.
This would suggest, (in at least the three agencies contacted,) that dynamic regrouping was not valuable.
This information also will help you to determine the agencies to contact that may be interested in purchasing your product.
The agency would contact the employer and the periodic payments of overdue taxes would then be withheld automatically.
Additionally, the agency contacted state governments in the region to warn of the storm's threat.
The agency has contacted Robinson and assigned him to be the civilian cover for Scott's mission.
Military agencies have already contacted Tangren about using the Sentinel for spy surveillance.
The agency also contacted the Brooklyn Bureau of Community Service.