In 1998, citing ethical and scientific concerns, the agency declared a moratorium on using such information.
But as both agencies this year, for the first time, declared corruption the enemy of development, they also had new evidence.
Local meteorological agencies on the islands also declared small craft advisories.
The measure applies to all state agencies and ministries declared of "national interest" and placed under military control last Thursday.
After what it described as stepped-up scrutiny of the carrier over the last year, the agency declared Eastern safe.
The agency declared smallpox eradicated in 1980 after a worldwide program of immunization and case hunting.
"It is all but impossible to see how the Commission could develop effective indecency guidelines under the panel's strictures," the agency declared.
Once the agency declares the registration statement effective, the company can offer its shares to the public.
"We find it is in the public interest to provide additional time to consider all options with respect to the D Block spectrum," the agency declared.
The agency has declared the condition a "worldwide health threat."