While there is no plan to do so now, those agencies could someday form the basis for a large homeland security intelligence collection unit.
In response, agencies are forming divisions dedicated to helping clients bring brands and products on road trips.
In response, the Bureau of Land Management asked eight federal and state agencies to form a group to calm the situation.
At the same time, the agency was forming a concert chorus of children from its various community centers and community schools.
So the two agencies came together and formed a new publishing company, Devopress, with a subvention of £50,000 for the period 1973-76.
Structure and agency forms an enduring core debate in sociology.
The agency has formed a panel to find the cause of the problem and to release its findings on Wednesday.
The agencies that I mentioned earlier also form part of this process, which is why it is impossible not to refer to them.
In 1988, the two agencies formed a third entity under which all rail construction would be consolidated.
Three agencies have formed new divisions in health care advertising, product development and strategic consulting.