Under Rader's leadership, the agency gained a large budget with the addition of federal funding.
In addition, the agency eventually gained the confidence to produce cel animation as well.
In addition, the agency has gained assignments from advertisers like Motorola.
The lost billings came to about $450 million last year, it said, but at the same time the worldwide agency was gaining $330 million.
The agency would presumably gain the right to demand industry documents that are now obtained only through leaks or litigation.
The new agency gained the authority the power to regulate fares and routes for commercial airlines.
The agency gained experience from major incidents that have occurred in Sweden and worldwide.
Even if no fee is attached to the arrangement the agency may still gain extra business for its mortgage lending division.
The agency first gained custody of him when he was only a few months old, after his mother admitted beating him.
Since that summer merger, the agency has gained four accounts.