To protect the health of consumers, the agency also inspects these facilities and documents observations on a 483.
Manufacturers pay supervisory agencies between $1,000 and $5,000 a year to inspect their plants and certify a product.
He said the agency regularly inspected its walls and had not found serious problems elsewhere.
The agency regulates and inspects transportation systems in Sweden.
The agency would also inspect civilian plants to insure that no toxic agents are made for military use.
It is not clear why the Russian agency would inspect so many aircraft instead of simply the one that made that flight.
The agency inspects less than 2 percent of foreign food shipments, down from 8 percent in 1992.
The agency inspected the laboratory in April, several weeks after she testified before Congress about her plans, she said.
And domestically, the agency inspects food plants only every 10 years, on average.
The agency inspects at most 1 percent of all clinical trials, she said.