The agency, one of the largest power producers in the United States, invested $6.3 billion in the mothballed reactors.
In 1980, he announced that his agency would invest $1.2 billion in Quebec businesses over the next five years.
The agency also invested in renovations and more lighting, maintenance and cleaning.
When potentially beneficial ideas are spotted, the agency can invest in their development by contracting with the companies involved.
The agency has invested $4.14 billion in the H-2 program, which began in 1986, including $2.7 billion for development and $180 million for each launching.
Over the two preceding years, "federal agencies have invested $5.8 billion in energy efficiency projects for federal buildings".
Some statutory agencies may invest what is necessary to maintain a skeleton response, with other agencies perceiving the work to be optional.
The agency had invested $10 million to $12 million in a new computer system to track adverse drug reactions, Dr. Woodcock said.
Though the agency invested several years on the project, this deployment is also on hold.
The agency also invests heavily in developing drugs already owned by pharmaceutical companies.