This agency lists properties in several European countries, including Italy.
The agencies don't list an address, but give an 088 mobile phone number through which potential clients can reach them.
On the D.E.A.'s Web site the agency lists some of the doctors who have been prosecuted, and their crimes.
Some of the sunscreen-approved ingredients that the agency listed were zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, dioxybenzone and avobenzone.
In its annual reports for the past decade, the agency has listed blackouts at nuclear power stations as an "unresolved safety issue."
The agency lists seven goals:
But early in its executive summary, the agency lists data from several European countries that have a more complete data base of dioxin sources.
Lastly, Congress wants agencies to list the number of complaints by basis and issue, so EEOC has defined these terms.
As with bases of discrimination, the agency must list each issue that is raised and the number of complaints that raised that issue.
For a fee that can range from $30 to $100, an agency will list your home in a book or on the Internet.