These agencies meet a responsibility that has been increasingly shunted to the private sector during the past two decades.
The city, she said, still lacks a data analysis system to assess whether agencies are actually meeting the city's demands.
Purchasing and using them can help agencies meet their executive order pollution prevention goals.
Ms. Brown said several federal agencies are meeting to discuss whether a broader approach to lasers should be developed.
She said the agency would meet with Fedex and other cargo airlines next week to discuss the issue.
It also provides a timetable of key milestones the federal agencies must meet in carrying out the program.
Each month the agency meets with county officials in an effort to hold them to the plan and to prevent potential spending problems.
But immigrants' advocates say the agency cannot possibly meet such tight deadlines.
The agency will meet the deficit with money from a discretionary fund.
He said that the agency has always met or exceeded building codes.