At the time, the settlement was by far the largest the federal agency had ever obtained in a predatory lending case.
The new rules go a step further by stipulating that agencies must obtain Government permission even when hiring foreign nationals.
"This proposal would take away all the external checks for abuse once one agency has obtained records."
In 2001 alone, the agency obtained prison sentences totaling 256 years.
He feels that there is no way that an external agency can obtain the feel of a market place like Lloyd's.
The agency obtained the hospital records and a report from Dr. Morales.
The combined agencies will promote the arts and obtain arts financing from the private sector.
This liquidity facility, as it is known, was meant to ensure that the agencies could obtain funds in a crunch.
The agency then obtained the consent decree to halt production of all but 13 medically necessary drugs.
The other agencies can obtain the data that they require from this first agency on a case-by-case basis.