That agency resigned those duties in August, citing a decline in spending.
Executives at the agency did not return telephone calls seeking comment; a report in the online edition of Advertising Age said the agency had resigned.
The agency resigned the business.
The previous agency, Ogilvy & Mather, resigned the account in March after 15 years.
The paper's previous agency, Ammirati & Puris, resigned the account in September.
The agency resigned the business last year when the client put its account into review.
Burnett said yesterday that the agency had resigned the account, but Reebok called it a mutual decision.
There are no conflicting clients that would require the agencies to resign accounts.
James Travis, president of Riney, said this was not the reason why the agency resigned the Gallo account.
The agency resigned the account, he said, because a new management team at Amana had chosen to reduce advertising spending.