The agency recently selected four consulting firms, three of which are engineering and design consultants with experience building tunnels and bridges worldwide.
The agencies, not The Times, select the individuals to be helped.
To verify that the agency selected an alternativebalancing expected benefits against costs, time, and risks of failure.
The three agencies will select 10 domestic violence victims to participate.
The agency selected three-year and 10-year issues as the most likely maturities to attract investor interest.
Once the script has been agreed, the agency selects the production company to produce the film.
Determine how the agency selected a representative mix of programs for the benchmark.
Mark Johnson, the president of Cohen/Johnson, said the agency had selected eight families to receive at least $1,000 each.
Two agencies have selected top creative executives.
She added that her agency had selected the Brownsville site, in part, to keep young offenders closer to their families.