That said, these age-based fees can vary quite a bit, and some agencies waive them if you're renting through a corporate account, so it's worth shopping around.
To speed release of immune globulin at manufacturers, the agency will waive certain requirements if they are in the public interest, he said.
However, agencies may waive normal qualification requirements under certain circumstances:
The agency will pay $4.5 million in cash and waive about $1.2 million in outstanding bills.
Mr. Kaufman's superiors resisted that, and last summer the agency waived the requirement.
Persuaded, Mr. Schmerz delivered an initial grant, the agency waived its usual 15 percent commission and Masterpiece Theater was on.
The agency can reduce or waive property taxes, mortgage recording taxes and sales taxes for construction material, furnishings and equipment.
Some agencies may waive the fee if you register with them on completion of a course.
He said the agency had waived a rule that subcontractors must also be American.
The agency may waive its right to take title to the invention, and allow the inventors to retain title to their inventions.