He said the agency was withholding the name of the doctor, a senior resident, pending the outcome of disciplinary action.
But in light of the newly disclosed evidence, committee members said today that they were concerned that the agency might be withholding other important information.
But legal experts assert that in some cases the agency has withheld payments for as long as a year.
The agency withheld 15,000 additional pages, and made deep cuts to the 11,000 that were released, citing "internal deliberations" over government policy as the main reason.
As to the presumption of disclosure, the Attorney General directs agencies not to withhold records simply because they can technically do so.
There are nine exemptions to the Privacy Act under which an agency can withhold certain kinds of information from you.
The state public records laws allow agencies to withhold records for specific purposes, provided the agency cites the reasons when it makes the decision.
But he strongly implied that the agency would no longer withhold bushels of documents only tangentially related to national security.
The agency withholds refunds when paper returns are not signed.
However, agencies may withhold information pursuant to nine exemptions contained in the statute.