They have steadfastly refused to allow Muslims driven from their homes during the war to move back into areas under Serbian or Croatian control.
Most notably, Nehru allowed Muslims to keep their personal law in matters relating to marriage and inheritance.
It allowed Muslims to swiftly and quietly march to Khaybar (in only three days), catching the city by surprise.
The use of confessional politics, which allowed Muslims to participate within the Lebanese government, reduced their desires to merge with Syria.
This, in turn, has allowed Muslims to settle in Western lands, and thereby allegedly opened them to attack from within.
He also allowed Muslims to serve in the military and civil service on theoretically equal terms and allowed them to migrate to France.
There have been numerous discussions of allowing other religious groups like Jehovah's Witnesses and Muslims into this system as well.
However, when the tactic proved unsuccessful, the government yielded and allowed Muslims to pray in Manzilgah.
This had allowed Muslims to continue their observance of Islamic law regarding issues on inheritance and family.
Thus the Qur'an justified defensive jihad by allowing Muslims to fight back against hostile and dangerous forces.