Increase the capacity to collect, share and analyze intelligence among partners, with respect to targets (individuals) that are threat to national security.
How do we start analyzing intelligence in Mr. Minsky's paradigm?
In 1996, the CIA set up a special unit of a dozen officers to analyze intelligence on and plan operations against Bin Ladin.
He also questioned some of the Pentagon's efforts before the Iraq war to analyze raw intelligence.
He said his job involved analyzing intelligence on terrorism and writing occasional papers.
He said the move was "an important advance" in creating a better, more integrated system for analyzing intelligence about terrorists.
The agency was created to analyze intelligence, not for covert action.
While the president emphasized the agency's potential to analyze intelligence, it was not clear in White House documents where the new intelligence experts would come from.
The F.B.I. is improving its ability to analyze intelligence, and is transforming itself to meet new threats.
The administration preferred a department that would essentially rely on those agencies to analyze most such intelligence.