Heston is known for analyzing options with stochastic volatility.
The firm employed complex mathematical models to analyze short-term options and equity pricing discrepancies while hedging against overall risk exposure.
Cornwallis, after analyzing Portsmouth and several other options, chose Yorktown and Gloucester Point (across the York River from Yorktown) as the best of the choices for the station.
While he is able to analyze options dispassionately, he does not seem to understand fully how important human stories are in communicating about policy with the public.
The task force has a staff of more than 500 people, organized into more than 30 groups, which meet periodically to analyze options.
A comprehensive study analyzing options for the blind and visually impaired community to denominate U.S. currency was submitted to BEP in July 2009.
In contrast, those that are strong in assessment will compare different goals and analyze different options.
When they try to rationally analyze potential options, their unconscious, emotional thoughts take over and make the choice for them.
American pilots hired their own consulting concern to analyze American's choice and options, and took their case directly to Wall Street.
Sometimes I get almost a sense that they don't analyze options or make decisions carefully, almost because they know if they did, they either wouldn't do it or they'd be in too much internal conflict.