We analyzed hundreds of thousands of documents, including raw intelligence information.
The optimal values for these parameters were then determined by the system itself, by analyzing thousands of master games.
But geneticists must analyze thousands of genomes to isolate the effect of any individual gene.
Romer analyzed thousands of plays and calculated the chance of scoring from any position on the field.
Rare crossover events between very close loci have been directly observed by analyzing thousands of individual sperms.
All told, they analyzed thousands upon thousands of field goal attempts.
State officials have helped coordinate efforts and will analyze hundreds of thousands of mosquitoes to determine how widespread the West Nile virus is.
Congress spends over $64 million a year on a research service that analyzes thousands of issues, from abortion to Zambia.
Test publishers calculate reliability by analyzing thousands of student tests to estimate chances that students who answer some questions correctly will also answer others correctly.
This has opened up opportunities for companies selling tiny chips that can quickly analyze thousands of genes at a time.