I'd crawled behind the cab's steering wheel, started the ancient machinery, and headed in the general direction the plane had taken, descending.
It was a high-pitched mechanical sound, like ancient industrial machinery going haywire.
Urn heaved himself into the ancient machinery while, above, the ceremony droned on.
Cause ancient Aztec machinery to move, and I can feel stone grinding.
Louis stood by the ancient machinery, which now throbbed and hummed.
The ancient machinery wasn't working, of course.
The ancient machinery creaked and whined, finally groaning to a halt.
However, this "Key" is a decoy and, when touched, activates ancient machinery that causes the statue to move.
"Well, find out- it's been my experience that ancient machinery tends to activate and turn everyone on your ship into newts if you're not careful."
They were surrounded by the ancient machinery of entrapment and torture.