As he did so, he whispered an ancient mantra of his kind.
It is one of the more potent of the ancient mantras, a call for enlightenment and a practice of purifying the karmas of the soul at a deep level.
The ancient mantra from the Histories of the Way of the Gods steadied nerves jarred by this thunder-striking discovery.
Coupled with the funky groove and Donovan's syncopated singing, it sounds like some kind of ancient Indian mantra for erotic pleasure.
Some fans carried taunting signs and others recycled the ancient mantras about Denis Potvin.
Additionally, the lyrical content is derived from Sanskrit Vedic literature and philosophy with some songs incorporating ancient mantras (shlokas) into their song structures.
Her tears flowed at the song's beginning, but the ancient mantra that sped the soul of the dead upon its journey to the sleep world also brought comfort and solace to the living.
Michael was chanting the ancient death-trance mantras in Sanskrit, the language of the high priests, in a high, warbling pitch that seemed to set the air trembling.
Shaved-headed monks in saffron robes and yak-hair blankets huddle over crinkled, tea-coloured scripts murmuring ancient mantras.
That hum coming from the headquarters of the Tour de France is an ancient mantra: It's not champions who make the Tour; it's the Tour that makes champions.