She defeated him, with the help of an angelic figure, simply called "Kara".
They are usually displayed together with an angelic figure also bearing a candle.
In the background an angelic figure appeared, a winged man, large and terrible.
Later stones, from the end of the 19th century, have human or angelic figures.
The boy is an angelic figure whose inner goodness offers hope for the future.
The whole character of this angelic figure had been replaced by a new conception.
She had seen the angelic figures moving, invisible save to her, among men.
The angelic figure is not preparing to plunge the arrow into her heart- rather, he has withdrawn it.
The Jewish artist, with approval of the others, had painted in an ethereal, angelic figure to represent his people.
She drops to the floor, her eyes widening as she attempts to focus on the angelic figure.