The annual figure did not exceed 100 until 1807, but by 1809 it was more than 200.
By 2020, he said, the annual figure will be 36 million.
That is more than one disaster a week, double the average annual figure in the 1980's.
The September results were reported yesterday along with the annual figures.
The previous annual high for that figure was just $673 million, in 1987.
By the late 1830s the annual figure was around 30,000.
Their annual figure, at that time, was over two hundred million dollars.
The annual figures given for this are 1985 and 1988.
Last year, only 49 billion miles were accumulated, the lowest annual figure since the programs began in 1981.
In 1993, the last year for which annual figures are available, the state spent $482 million on the program.