In June 1989, he joined the dissident movement and signed the declaration of the anti-communist movement.
While this ultimatum was never published, Castro became aware of the anti-communist movement, and perceived its strength.
He has particularly frustrated Rukh, the republic's anti-Communist popular movement.
It is a right-wing pragmatist and staunch anti-communist political movement.
In the 1980s, it constituted a broad anti-communist movement.
The general anti-Communist political movement thus already has a larger weapon for bringing popular pressure to bear on the Congress.
While a student he became an activist in the anti-communist movement.
This village saw an outbreak of the anti-communist movement from the Banat region.
He directed money to anti-communist movements all over the world that wanted to overthrow their communist government.
In the 1980s he was an activist in the anti-communist movement in Poland.