The protest campaign galvanised and strengthened New Zealand's anti-racist movement.
The uprising would parallel anti-colonial, anti-capitalist, and anti-racist movements throughout the world.
"He was a very key player in the anti-racist movement here."
The writer of this article appeals for unity in the anti-fascist, anti-racist movement.
His history of work in the anti-racist movement is unquestionable....
It describes itself as anti-capitalist and anti-racist movement.
This jumble of the religious and the secular, the democratic and the dictatorial, illustrates the dangerous muddle that the anti-racist movement finds itself in.
Today, the protests against "Africa Addio" are regarded as being the first anti-racist movement in German history.
Members should all acknowledge the campaign by the anti-racist movement throughout Europe.
Outside of organized labor they participated in anti-apartheid and anti-racist movements and developed a prisoner support network.