On leaving the restaurant diners spotted a dessert case that included a number of more appealing choices.
And each of these light but appealing choices is accompanied by interesting side dishes.
The 98C is known for its relatively simple design, durability, and reliability, making it an appealing choice for newcomers to the sport.
Not an appealing choice but nethertheless one that's easy to make.
These were appealing choices and far more comfortable than the prospect of a tough Senate race.
But even for those who do make the commute, trains have never been the most appealing choice.
This political trend, combined with broader geo-political events, made nationalization an appealing choice for Canada.
This time, presented with two appealing choices, Gonzalez went with the most familiar.
Bottle prices begin at $40 and quickly leap upward, though there are some appealing choices in the $50 to $60 range.
He added that chicken breast costs have been down or flat during the same period, making it a more appealing choice to companies.