If anything this year's version has fallen backward in terms of attracting art by exciting contemporary artists of African descent.
Its two exhibition areas are dedicated to the works of artists of African and Asian descent.
Cartel is a German hip hop album released in 1995 featuring various artists of Turkish descent.
Gnesin, like many artists of Jewish descent, faced increasing discrimination in 1930s.
This festival brought together more than 17,000 artists of African descent from 59 countries.
Certainly an exhibition including the most interesting and exciting artists of African descent could well be nothing short of fabulous.
Albert Chong (born 1958) is an artist of African and Chinese descent.
He attained the highest positions and recognitions of all the artists of Slovene descent.
Josef Nassy (1904-1976) was a black expatriate artist of Jewish descent.
The exhibition showcased works by 32 contemporary artists of African descent who have developed a mature style in an intuitive manner.