Aflaq was described by his associates as an "ascetic, shy and intense figure living a simple and unpretensious life."
Perry Rhodan's almost ascetic figure leaned against the navigation console and he appeared to feel at ease in this position.
A tall, almost ascetic, figure rose from the table in the paneled, velvet-framed corner of the room.
Although austere by nature, Yoritomo was not, and had no wish to become, an ascetic saint-like figure.
St. Ephraim is portrayed in iconography as a slim, ascetic figure with black hair and beard, clad in the black robes of a monk.
Icons of the 13th-15th centuries from Novgorod depict Paraskeva as an ascetic figure wearing the red of martyrdom.
Almost at once he turned a corridor and found himself before the bearded, ascetic figure of Philip the Second.
General Babangida has tried to project an image of himself as an incorruptible leader, an almost ascetic figure whose only concern is for Nigeria's well-being.
Taoism also has a long history of ascetic and eremetical figures.
The serious, ascetic figure, the King of the Curia.