Material at civil reactors also needs to be kept under guard.
The report said a lack of adequate management at the 24-year-old reactor may pose a safety threat to workers and the public.
Gibbs said, "Actually, the people at the nuclear reactor do have a map such as you describe."
Ten workers at the medical reactor will be reassigned as a result of the closure, officials said.
But important discoveries were made at the reactor, the world's first nuclear device built for civilian research.
Now it appears that their innovations will be copied at several other reactors.
Nothing happened, and she darted a frightened glance at the reactor itself.
The report said safety conditions at the reactor had not significantly improved since May, when the school promised to correct numerous problems.
Now the faithful can share a passion for tenpins after a hard day's work up at the reactor.
Opponents note that canisters now used to store fuel at reactors have already had problems.