In July-December 2010, it sold an average of 3,244 copies per week according to independently audited figures.
He said it was selling close to 200,000 copies daily, but audited figures have not yet been made available.
Circulation has increased to around 180,000 daily, which is 10,000 more than last year's audited figure.
These are not officially audited figures, just a snapshot, and they are based on the assumption that visitors' software is telling the truth.
In 2003, the audited figure for number of people camping out overnight on 24 May was 92,435.
It expects to release audited figures on June 26.
By June 2006, independently audited figures show the magazine to have newsstand sales of 12,221 copies.
Revised figures for 2010-11 are from press reports in April 2013; audited figures for 2012-13 were expected in August 2013.
The audited figures submitted by the company to the Securities and Exchange Commission showed net income was $595.1 million, or $1.79 a share.
City A.M. became profitable for the first time in 2010, according to audited figures provided to the UK's Companies House.